Camp Reservation Info

Camp Reservation

For international scout groups, the booking process is made by e-mail, following the process described below.

Send reservation e-mail

Booking process

In order to facilitate the booking process, we ask that only one person in the group be responsible for booking and communicating with the ACE management team.


  1. Read ACE Regulation.
  2. Up to 2 months before activity date, make a reservation request by email.
    This e-mail should include:
    • the expected date and time for entry and exit;
    • an estimation of the number of participants;
    • the intended stay regime;
    • other relevant information.
  3. Wait for a reply from ACE management team to confirm availability.
  4. After a positive response from ACE management team, transfer a 10% parcel of the total amount payable.
  5. Up to 1 month before activity date, transfer a 40% parcel of the total amount payable and send the following information:
    • International Charter of WOSM, from your NSO (see note below);
    • digitalization of the national identification card of the person responsible for the group;
    • list with name, birth date, and national identification number of every participant in the group;
    • activity program;
    • other relevant information.
  6. Up until the end of the activity, make the payment of the remaining total amount (50%) for staying at ACE.

Note on "International Charter": By International Charter of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) we mean a letter or document from your National Scout Organization (NSO) stating that you are a group belonging to that organization, which is going on an international activity. This is a requirement from our NSO International Secretary.


We do not charge by tent or cars, only by scouts.

Origin Stay regime Price
Foreign Scouts Out-door camping 3€/night/person
Foreign Scouts In-door camping 4€/night/person


Payments must be made by bank transfer to the following account:

IBAN: PT50 0036 0038 9910 0753 7069 0

Please always provide proof of payments.