Note: this is a machine translation of the Portuguese version of the Regulation. There may be errors of translation. In case of doubt, please contact us.
1. Admission
1.1. For the use of Apúlia Centro Escutista (Apúlia Scout Centre), hereinafter referred to as ACE, it is necessary to make the reservation request, through the ACE Internet site at least 30 days in advance. In this application must include the name and contact (telephone and e-mail) of the manager responsible for the activity, the number of participants in the activity and the program, even if provisional of the activity to be developed, or failing to explain the type of activities to carry out.
- 1.1.1. Up to 5 days after the activity has to be carried out, they must submit the nominal list of participants, the definitive program and any other information they deem relevant.
1.2. The ACE will verify the registration, namely the identity of all registered.
1.3. Reservation requests made by any unit will only be accepted with the express indication of the name of the Director who will accompany them.
1.4. When using the ACE, all Groupings undertake to respect the Listening Law, this Regulation, as well as the guidelines of those responsible for the ACE, during their stay in the field.
1.5. For members of foreign associations the International Charter of the World Scout Organization is required, and registration through the International Secretary.
1.6. Through the ACE, an identification process can be established for users, vehicles and tents.
1.7. All ACE users must wear field uniforms.
1.8. Visits to the ACE can only be carried out with the express authorization of those responsible.
2. Camp settlements
2.1. Field assemblies and dismantling are only possible, after authorization of those responsible for the ACE, as well as the entry and permanence of vehicles in the enclosure.
2.2. Only Canadian, igloo and kitchens are allowed to be assembled, excluding the use of caravans and related equipment.
2.3. The ACE does not charge any value for the occupation of the tent space, so it will only be allowed to assemble the structures strictly necessary for the accommodation of the subscribers, and it is not possible to assemble the tiles . When setting up the tents they should pay attention to the use of the space granted, leaving only between them a distance that allows the security, privacy and well-being.
2.4. Although the use of wood is authorized, ACE does not have material for constructions.
2.5. It is necessary to respect all the rules of the Scout camp, namely those concerning the conservation of nature. Thus, cutting or damaging the trees or any plant is not allowed. It is not permissible to touch the natural covering of the ground or to make holes for burying rubbish or pouring wash water.
2.6. It is not allowed to walk on the dunes nor exceed the outer limits of the field.
2.7. Garbage and debris must be packed in bags and placed daily at the appropriate location (in the container on the public road) in order to be collected by the competent authority. Whenever possible, the Groupings should segregate garbage according to the rules in force and make their deposit in the ecopoints in the village of Apúlia.
2.8. The wash water must be emptied into the existing space for this purpose, which is properly marked and is located next to the laundry.
3. Facilities
3.1. The ACE has sanitary facilities with hot water baths, and water should be used sparingly.
3.2. The laundry room is the place available throughout the field for washing clothes and crockery.
3.3. The existing pavilion is of common use to all the users of the space, and should, as far as possible, be used only for emergency situations, it is not possible to quarantine in it.
3.4. The support building, which exists at the entrance of the campsite, is designed to support groups, and can be used to guard goods and hold small meetings.
3.5. ACE does not provide electrical power.
3.6. ACE has no employees. Therefore, the cleaning services: WC, field, pavilion, reception, and others, will have to be ensured by the users of the space and under the guidance of the ACE.
3.7. The maximum capacity of the ACE is 300 scouts.
4. Other spaces
4.1. There is space for Council Fire, this being the only place where it is possible to make fire by the ground.
4.2. Barbecues may be used provided that they observe all safety measures in the prevention of fires. Based on the legislation applied during the period known as "the time of the forest fires", the promoters will be responsible for possible accidents including fire and its consequences.
4.3. The ACE has a space destined solely for the practice of diverse games, and these activities should not occur in other places of the ACE.
4.4. The ACE has a limited parking space, which is intended solely for the parking of vehicles of the groups camped.
4.5. The silence period is from 00:00 hours until 08:00 hours and its compliance is mandatory, and therefore not allowed entry or exit of vehicles of the park.
5. Prices
5.1. All stays in the ACE are subject to the payment of a daily rate per element, in the amount of 2 euros per national scout / night and 3 euros for foreign associations.
5.2. Reservation requests are subject to a security deposit of 50 euros, which will be returned at the end of the stay. This security may be declared void in favor of ACE, if there are grounds for doing so, and the reasoning of this situation is the responsibility of ACE.
5.3. Users and their Groupings will be held liable for any damages or losses they may cause in Apulia-Centro Escutista, C. N. E.'s assets.
6. Safety
6.1. The beach in front of the ACE is an unguarded beach, it is the responsibility of each group to ensure the safety of their scouts, with the ACE declining any responsibility in this area.
6.2. The ACE is not responsible for any damage, theft or theft, on people and property occurring inside or outside the camping space, and each Grouping must prevent these possibilities.
6.3. It is recommended that each grouping have in the appropriate extinguishing field (s), in order to prevent possible outbreaks of fire, so ACE is not responsible for any accidents.
6.4. The ACE discourages the use of gas lighting equipment.
6.5. All ACE users must have individual personal accident insurance (escutista or other), so ACE declines any responsibility for any accidents occurring in the field, and this responsibility falls to the Head of Group or the person in charge of the Activity .
6.6. Animals are not allowed into the field.
7. Penalties
7.1 Disregard for this Regulation is subject to the initiation of a disciplinary inquiry. Your assessment may result in one of the following penalties:
7.1.1. Written warning;
7.1.2. Field abandonment order;
7.1.3. Prohibition of camping in later years.
8. Epilogue
8.1. All Groupings should make a short report of the stay, as well as make observations or suggestions in writing, and send to the Regional Board of Braga of the CNE, thus contributing to a better use and operation of ACE.
8.2. All cases not considered in this regulation will be resolved by those responsible for the ACE, in accordance with the Listening and Regulations Act of C.N.E.
Regional Head Office, Braga, October 15, 2007
A Junta Regional de Braga do C.N.E.
(Approved at Regional Executive meeting on this date)